Apr 29, 2020
Watch the interview on video: https://youtu.be/iA_39qkDWVs
Contact Julie with questions or ideas: julie@cancerservicesonline.org
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Dr. Wentworth discusses the following with us today:
1. What are the most important things that cancer patients and
survivors need to know right now?
2. For someone who is newly diagnosed, or who is currently in the
middle of their treatment plan and has to physically go to the
treatment center and doctor appointments, what do they need to be
doing before, during and after treatments.
3. For people who have completed treatment recently (in the last
year), what precautions do they need to take? Are there any certain
types of cancer who are at higher risk of complications if they
contract COVID-19?
4. For survivors who have completed treatment 2+ years ago, is
their risk higher than the average public for their age?
5. Looking farther into the future, what would be some prudent ways
for cancer survivors to consider re-entering public life when
social distancing measures are lifted?