Oct 18, 2023
Getting a cancer diagnosis for the first time can be scary and overwhelming, and you may feel like you don't know where to start. And for those who are close to the end of active treatment, or done with active treatment, that’s a scary time too when you’re not seeing your cancer care team every week!
This month's interview aims to help listeners know where to go, who to talk to, what to ask, and what resources to keep in your toolbox. Cancer Services has dozens of resources for patients to provide support and assistance throughout this journey, and there's even more organizations and programs out within the community that we'll discuss.
We are lucky to have three experts on this topic this month, Melissa Lyle-Nipper, Felicia Dobson and Lindy Milligan. Melissa is our Patient Advocate Director here at Cancer Services and has a master's in social work, Felicia is one of our fantastic Patient Advocators, and Lindy is our survivorship coordinator and a breast cancer survivor.
Resources discussed:
Cancer Services Patient Advocates - 336-760-9983; www.cancerservicesonline.org
Survivor Programs: www.cancerservicesonline.org/register
Fund Finder https://fundfinder.panfoundation.org/
Cancer Care www.cancercare.org
Caring Bridge: https://www.caringbridge.org/
Livestrong at the YMCA: https://ymcanwnc.org/health-and-fitness/community-health-programs/livestrong-at-the-ymca